Solar Update - July 2024
IEA SHC Newsletter - Volume 79
July 2024
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this issue: Solar Heat Worldwide / IEA SHC Solar Award 2024 Shortlist / SACREEE / Solar Neighborhoods: Task 63 / Interview with Maria Wall: Task 63 / Member News: Poland / Reflections from the Chair / Design Guidelines: Task 65 / Standardized Energy Storage Procedures: Task 67 / SHC Publications / SHC Solar Academy Webinars / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2024

Solar Update - December 2023
IEA SHC Newsletter - Volume 78
December 2023
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Solar Energy Buildings: Task 66 / Reflections from the Chair /. EuroSun 2024 / Lightning Retrofits: Task 70 / Solar Academy West Africa / Sunbelt Chiller Development: Task 65 / Collector Label SOLERGY / Solar Thermal at Work: Task 64 / 10 Questions: Task 63 / In the Pipeline / SHC Publications / Solar Members

Solar Update - December 2023

Solar Update - July 2023
IEA SHC Newsletter - Volume 77
July 2023
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Solar Heat Worldwide / New SHC Chair / Country Highlight | China • Member News | EU-SOLARIS ERIC / SHC Solar Award 2014 Winner Update l Montmélian / Water and Wastewater Treatment l Task 62 / New Work l Solar-Powered Reactors / Christoph Brunner Interview / New Work l Solar Cooling / New Solar Conversion Factor l Task 64 / Solar District Heating Info Package l Task 68 / LCA and LCoH l Task 71 / New Publications

Solar Update - July 2023

Solar Update - December 2022
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 76
December 2022

In this Issue: IEA SHC Solar Award Winner / Country Highlight: France / Member News: South Africa / New Projects 2023 / EuroSun 2022 / SHIP Design Tips & Tricks: Task 64 / Solar Thermal Partners / Solar Cooling Potential: Task 65 / SHC Publications / Fault-Detective: Task 68 / Solar Thermal Trends 2023 / SHC Members 

Solar Update - December 2022

Solar Update - July 2022
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 75
July 2022
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Solar Heat Worldwide / SHC Solar Award / Opinion | 400 SHW Heaters by 2030 / Solar Decathalon Europe / Solar Initiatives in Southern Africa / New work | Solar Hot Water / Task 63 | Fall School 2022 / Task 64 | Solar Fractions of SHIP Plants / EuroSun 2022 / Task 67 | Solar Thermal Energy Storage Materials / Market Place / SHC Speakers Directory / Publications / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2022

Solar Update - December 2021
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 74
December 2021
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: IEA Net Zero Roadmap / New Projects Coming in 2022 / Opinion | The Real Climate Strikers / Task 61| Daylight & Electric Lighting Solutions / Interview | Jan De Boer / Task 63 | Solar Neighborhood | Planning Tools in the Classroom / Country Highlight | Switzerland / Interview | Alexandra Troi / Solar Academy / Market Place / SHC Members

Solar Update - December 2021

Solar Update - July 2021
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 73
July 2021 - PDF 8.26MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this issue: Solar Heat Worldwide / Opinion | Our Sleeping Giant / New Member | SICREEE / PVT Systems | Task 60 11 PVT Systems | Interview with Jean-Christophe Hadorn / South Africa | Unexpected Partnership / South Africa | PV2heat Taking Off / Solar District Heating | Task 55 Results 20 Solar District Heating | Interview with Sabine Putz /  MarketPlace / Publications / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2021

Solar Update - December 2020
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 72
December 2020 - PDF 4.94MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Thermal Energy Storage / Interview: Wim van Helden / Country Highlight: Netherlands / New Work: Solar Energy Buildings / Opinion | Curators of Social Capital / Heat Load Profiles / Solar Academy: The Caribbean / Member News: France / Lighting with People in Mind / Solar Thermal Trends / MarketPlace / Publications / SHC Members

Solar Update - December 2020

Solar Update - July 2020
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 71
July 2020 - PDF 7.11MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In This Issue: Solar Heat Worldwide 2020 / Integrated Solar Envelopes / Task 56 interview / Opinion | Optimism for Solar / New Solar Cooling Project / Country Highlight: Slovak Republic / New Member: SACREEE / New Member: EACREEE / New Member: CCREEE / Water and Wastewater / Publications / Marketplace / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2020

Task 61 Newsletter - 01
Overview and First Results
May 2020 - PDF 2.46MB
By: Jan de Boer, Marc Fontoynont, David Geisler-Moroder, Niko Gentile, Barbara Matusiak, Werner Osterhaus
Editor: Jan de Boer
Publisher: Task 61

This newsletter presents first results of IEA Task 61 addressing current topics in the integration of daylight and electric lighting.

Task 61 Newsletter - 01

Solar Update - December 2019
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 70
December 2019 - PDF 4.53MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: SHC Solar Award 2019 / SHC 2019 Conference / Integrated Solar Envelopes / Atlas Database / BIPV in Heritage Buildings / New Work: Solar Heat Process and LCA + LCC / Solar Academy / Country Highlight: South Africa / Member News: Portugal and Spain / Solar Thermal Trends / Marketplace / SHC Members

Solar Update - December 2019

Solar Update - July 2019
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 69
July 2019 - PDF 7.68MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Solar Heat Worldwide 2019 / SHC 2019 Conference / PVT Systems in Europe / Reducing System Price / Solar Academy / Advanced Solar Storage / Lighting Industry Needs / Country Highlight: Austria / New Task: Neighborhoods / New Members / Member News: Germany / New SHC Publications / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2019

Solar Update - December 2018
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 68
December 2018 - PDF 6.37MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: SHC 2019 Conference / Next Generation Cooling / Interview: Daniel Mugnier / EuroSun 2018 / Standards and Certification / Interview: Jan Erik Nielsen / Solar Academy / Advanced Solar Storage / Horizon 2020 / Country Highlight: Portugal / New SHC Publications / SHC Members

Solar Update - December 2018

Task 56 Newsletter - 4
November 2018
Editor: Michaela Meir, Roberto Fedrizzi

Read Newsletter

Task 56 Newsletter - 4

Task 54 Newsletter - 2018
October 2018
By: Task 54

- Final Task Meeting
- ISEC Conference
- Task 54 Webinar
- New Working Group
- LCoH Calcualtion Tool
- Levelized Cost of Heat for Reference Systems
- Improved Flat Plate Collector with Heat Pipes for Overheating Prevention
- Cost Optimized: Conico Glycol-Free Solar  System in First Residential Demonstration
- Installers Point the Direction
- How the Heat Changers Breathe New Life into Solar Thermal Marketing
- Upcoming Events
- Upcoming Publications

Task 54 Newsletter - 2018

Solar Update - July 2018
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 67
July 2018 - PDF 7.06MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: Solar Heat Worldwide 2018 / Solar and Urban Planning / Solar Heat and Electricity / SHC Solar Academy / New Testing Standards / Trending in 2018 / Country Highlight: Sweden / New SHC Publications / New Projects / SHC Members

Solar Update - July 2018

Solar Update - December 2017
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 66
December 2017 - PDF 4.21MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: IEA SHC Solar Award 2017 - Heat Decarbonization and Solar Thermal - Integrated Solar Envelope Systems - SHC Solar Academy - Large Scale Systems - Actors & Activities - SHC 2017 Conference - Solar Heat for Industry - Solar Thermal Future - SHC Publications - New Tasks - SHC Members

Solar Update - December 2017

Task 54 Newsletter - 2017
November 2017
By: Task 54

In This Newsletter
- Past experts meetings in Rapperswil and Linz
- Task 54 workshop and industry round table in Linz, Austria
- Towards new system solutions with solar thermal – Insights by Roger Hackstock
- LCOH calculations of a selected reference system & sensitivity analysis
- First proposals for standardisation (collector / storage
- Price reduction potential Switzerland
- Progress in the development of heat pipe collectors for overheating prevention
- Solar domestic hot water system with polymer inlet stratifier

Task 54 Newsletter - 2017

Solar Update - May 2017
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 65
May 2017 - PDF 4.96MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue:  2017 Solar Heat Worldwide Report - New Storage Task - Country Highlight: United Kingdom - Interview: David Renne & Task 46 - SHC 2017 - 2017 Solar Thermal Trends - SHC Solar Academy - Task 54: SHW Micro System - Task 54: LCOH - SHC Book Series - MarketPlace - SHC Members

Solar Update - May 2017

Task 56 Newsletter no.3 - 2017-07
April 2017 - PDF 2.21MB
Editor: Michaela Meir, Roberto Fedrizzi

Read Newsletter

Task 56 Newsletter no.3 - 2017-07

Solar Update - December 2016
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 64
December 2016 - PDF 2.09MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In this Issue: - SHC 2017 Conference - Opportunities for Action - European SDH Projects - Interview with Lighting Expert - Improving Lighting Retrofits - Lighting Retrofit Adviser - Summer School Twist - Canada’s Solar Community - New Member - Slovakia - Country Highlight - Quatar - Collector Durability Testing - Members
Solar Update - December 2016

Task 54 Newsletter - 2016
November 2016
By: Task 54

In this newsletter
- Levelized costs of solar thermal heat

- Data Collection on installation

- New business model "Payouse"

- Techno-economical optimization "TEWIsol"

- Novel heat pipe collectors

- Drain-back system concept for large systems

- Solar thermal systems without differential controllers / sensors

Task 56 Newsletter no.2 - 2016-11
November 2016 - PDF 0.88MB
By: Michaela Meir, Roberto Fedrizzi

Read Newsletter

Task 56 Newsletter no.2 - 2016-11

Task 56 Newsletter no.1 - 2016-08
August 2016 - PDF 0.21MB
Editor: Michaela Meir, Roberto Fedrizzi

Read Newsletter

Task 56 Newsletter no.1 - 2016-08

Task 50 Newsletter - 02
Newsletter #2
June 2016 - PDF 1.99MB
By: Jan de Boer

With the activities in Task 50, we aimed at improving the lighting refurbishment process in non-residential buildings in order to unleash energy saving potentials while at the same time improving lighting quality. This newsletter presents an overview on key results of IEA SHC Task 50 and provides reference to further information.

Task 50 Newsletter - 02

Solar Update - May 2016
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 63
May 2016 - PDF 2.24MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy

In this Issue: - New Member - ISES - 2016 Solar Thermal Trends - Solar Rating & Certification - Interview - Urban Planning - EU Horizon 2020 - Task 42: Compact Storage - Solar Heat in Industrial Processes - Interview - Task 53: Solar Cooling - MarketPlace - Members

Solar Update - May 2016

Solar Update - November 2015
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 62
November 2015 - PDF 1MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
Publisher: IEA SHC
In This Issue - SHC 2015 Conference - Solar Heat Worldwide - Energy Reserves - Task 54: Price Reductions - Task 53: Solar Cooling 2.0 - Task 46: Solar Measurements - Task 51: Solar Education - Country Highlight: Spain - SHC Reports - Members
Solar Update - November 2015

Solar Update - May 2015
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 61
May 2015 - PDF 3.33MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue - SHC 2015 Conference - Turkey - Lighting Retrofit - Process Heat Integration - Task 47 - Task 40 - Netherlands - MarketPlace - SHC Book Series - ISO Partnerships - Publications - Contacts
Solar Update - May 2015

IEA SHC Task 50 Newsletter #1
March 2015
March 2015 - PDF 0.69MB
Lighting accounts for approx. 19% (~3000 TWh) of the global electricity consumption. Without essential changes in policies, markets and practical implementations it is expected to continuously grow despite significant and rapid technical improvements, like solid-state lighting, new façade and light management techniques. With a small volume of new buildings, major lighting energy savings can only be realized by retrofitting the existing building stock. Compared to existing installations, the majority of new solutions allow a significant increase in efficiency – easily by a factor of three or more – going along with highly interesting payback times. However, lighting refurbishments are still lagging behind compared to what is economically and technically possible and feasible.
IEA SHC Task 50 Newsletter #1

Solar Update - October 2014
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 60
October 2014 - PDF 0.59MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Country Highlight: China - SHC 2014 Conference - 2014 Solar Award - Solar Heat Worldwide - New Members - Solar Cooling - Urban Planning - Global Certification Network - Solar + Heat Pumps - New SHC Publications - MarketPlace - - Contacts
Solar Update - October 2014

Solar Update - February 2014
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 59
February 2014 - PDF 0.78MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - SHC Solar Award - Polymerics Exhibition - SHC 2013 Conference - 2014 Solar Trends - Country Highlight: Canada - Lighting Retrofits - Solar Radiation Monitoring - Solar + Heat Pumps - MarketPlace - New SHC Publications - New Member - Global Collector Certification
Solar Update - February 2014

Solar Update - June 2013
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 58
June 2013 - PDF 0.78MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In this issue: - Solar Resources Knowledge Management - SHC 2013 Conference - New SHC Publications - Polymeric Solar Thermal System Concepts - MarketPlace - Compact Thermal Energy Storage - Singapore - Lighting Retrofit - Programme Contacts
Solar Update - June 2013

Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter
Industry Newsletter: Third Issue
February 2013 - PDF 1.66MB
By: M. D’Antoni, R. Fedrizzi, W. Sparber
Over the past few years, systems that combine solar thermal technology and heat pumps have been marketed to heat houses and produce domestic hot water. This new combination of technologies is a welcome advancement, but standards and norms are still required for its long term successful commercialization. Such combinations are complex and need more control strategies and electronics than separate configurations. Therefore the optimisation of the combination is more complex and the cost effectiveness of the combination is not obvious.
Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter

Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter
Industry Newsletter: Second Issue
June 2012 - PDF 1.44MB
By: M. D’Antoni, R. Fedrizzi, W. Sparber

This newsletter presents the effort made in classifying Solar and Heat Pumps systems made by Task 44 / Annex 38. A uniform SHP system representation has been presented and a guide line in developing it is shown. This energy flow chart can be applied to any other space heating or DHW generation systems and a direct comparison can be derived. Finally, the framework for the performance figure calculation is presented.

Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter

Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter
Industry Newsletter: First Issue
October 2011 - PDF 1.65MB
By: M. D’Antoni, W. Sparber

This newsletter presents the status of the work of the SHC Task 44 / HPP Annex 38 or T44A38 work. The solar industry and the heat pump industry are the primary targets. The content reflects the activities along the course of the work and not necessarily the final conclusions that will be published in all deliverables at the end of the work duration (December 2013).

Task 44 / Annex 38 Newsletter

Solar Update - January 2011
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 53
January 2011 - PDF 0.67MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - SHC Solar Award - Solar Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration - Housing Renovation with Solar & Conservation - Compact Thermal Energy Storage - Country Spotlight – South Africa - SHC Marketplace - New SHC Publications - Work Starting in 2011
Solar Update - January 2011

Solar Update - May 2010
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 52
May 2010 - PDF 0.37MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Renovation - Country Spotlight: Solar Thermal in the United States - Solar Metal Roofing - Solar Cooling in North America - Solar Marketplace - Programme Information
Solar Update - May 2010

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 51
November 2009 - PDF 0.75MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar + Conservation - Solar Forecasting in Austria - Country Spotlight – France - Solar + Heat Pumps - Solar Testing and Certification
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 50
April 2009 - PDF 0.5MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Heat Worldwide – 2009 Edition - The World’s Energy Reserves - Austrian ExCo Member Receives National Honor - Solar Heat & Energy Statistics - Thermal Energy Storage Materials - Country Spotlight – Norway - New Work – Solar Energy AND Architecture
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 49
October 2008 - PDF 1.64MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - 2008 SHC Solar Award - Results of Completed Work - Country Spotlight – Switzerland - New Publications - New Work - SHC Adopts Bold New Vision - Programme Contacts
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 48
January 2008 - PDF 0.24MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Resource Management – Providing Solar Developers with Key Resource Information - Solar Air-Conditioning – No Cool Down in Sight for this Technology - Country Spotlight – Austria - New Publications - Solar MarketPlace - Programme Contacts
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 47
July 2007 - PDF 0.15MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Advanced Housing Renovation: Addressing a Need - Solar Building Facade Components: 5-Year Project Concludes - Country Spotlight - Canada - New Publications - Solar Marketplace - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

IEA SHC - Task 33 Newsletter No 3
December 2006 - PDF 0.17MB
IEA SHC - Task 33 Newsletter No 3

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 46
December 2006 - PDF 0.17MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Heating and Cooling in IEA Countries - New SHC Work - Solar Drying - Country Spotlight - Netherlands - PV/T Solar Collectors - Solar Marketplace - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 45
May 2006 - PDF 0.15MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Country Spotlight - Spain - 2006 SHC Solar Award - New SHC Work - Welcome and Good-bye - New SHC Publications - Solar Marketplace - In Brief - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Task 33 Newsletter - 02
December 2005 - PDF 0.44MB
Task 33 Newsletter - 02

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 44
October 2005 - PDF 0.45MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Sustainable Solar Housing Moving from Niche Market - SHC 2005 Solar Award - Sustainable Solar Housing - Lessons Learned - Welcome and Goodbye - New SHC Work - New Test Procedure for Collector Absorbers - Country Spotlight - Australia - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 43
March 2005 - PDF 0.59MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Thermal Capacity Exceeds Expectations - Linking Research to Practice at the New York Times Building - Moving Solar Assisted Air Conditioning to the Market - In Brief - Solar Marketplace - Welcome and Goodbye - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Task 33 Newsletter - 01
December 2004 - PDF 0.5MB
Task 33 Newsletter - 01

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 42
October 2004 - PDF 0.67MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Public Policy and the Solar Market - SHC Solar Award - Government Support for Solar Water Heating - PV/Thermal Solar Systems - Solar Marketplace - Thank You and Welcome - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 41
March 2004 - PDF 0.87MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Façade Components - Solar in Finland - SHC Solar Award - Thanks... Welcome... - 2003 SHC Publicatons - MarketPlace - Current Tasks and Operating Agents
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 40
July 2003 - PDF 0.1MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Award - Building Energy Analysis Tools - New Zealand - Solar Combisystems - In Brief
Solar Update

February 2003
February 2003 - PDF 0.08MB
February 2003

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 39
February 2003 - PDF 0.56MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - International Committment to Solar - Solar Activities in IEA Countries - Intergrated Design Process - MarketPlace In Brief
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 38
July 2002 - PDF 1.12MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Proving the Potential of Solar Crop Drying - Building Momentum For Solar Thermal Markets In Belgium - MarketPlace - In Brief
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 37
January 2002 - PDF 0.75MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Thermal Program Heats Up In France - Malaysia to Build Low Energy Government Office Building - MarketPlace - In Brief
Solar Update

June 2001
June 2001 - PDF 0.09MB
June 2001

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 36
June 2001 - PDF 0.09MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Thermal Energy in Portugal - 1st Round of Solar Procurements Completed - In Brief - MarketPlace - New Publications
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 35
December 2000 - PDF 0.17MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Solar Combisystems for a Sustainable Energy Future - Advancing Daylighting Technologies and Daylight Conscious Building Design - MarketPlace - New Publications - In Brief
Solar Update

October 2000
October 2000 - PDF 0.08MB
October 2000

April 2000
April 2000 - PDF 0.02MB
April 2000

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 34
February 2000 - PDF 0.21MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - New Options Developed For Solar Energy In Buildings - Mexico Benefits From Being In the Solar Belt - Brief: Advanced Solar Thermal Storage Workshop - Market Place: Building Energy Software
Solar Update

November 5, 1999. Copenhagen
November 1999 - PDF 0.02MB
November 5, 1999. Copenhagen

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 33
August 1999 - PDF 0.17MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - New Options Developed For Solar Energy In Buildings - Mexico Benefits From Being In the Solar Belt - Brief: Advanced Solar Thermal Storage Workshop - Market Place: Building Energy Software
Solar Update

June 16, 1999
June 1999 - PDF 0.02MB
June 16, 1999

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 32
March 1999 - PDF 0.55MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - IEA Workshop Focuses On Sustainable Buildings - Solar Technologies Find A Niche In Norway - Market Place: Vacuum Window
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 31
August 1998 - PDF 0.05MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - Daylighting Systems Being Evaluated At New Danish Laboratory - New Method For Measuring Efficiency of Solar Air Collectors Developed - Brief: Workshops Held On Advanced Glazing And Window Systems - Market Place: Daylighting Protocol
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 28
January 1997 - PDF 0.43MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
In This Issue: - 20 Years of Making Buildings Better - Advanced Glazings Exhibited at Glastec '96 - Brief: Upcoming Events Highlight IEA SHC Programme
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 21
May 1993 - PDF 0.38MB
Editor: Sheila B. Blum
In This Issue: - Task 14 Solar Air Systems Work Attracting Interest Worldwide - Task 18 Advanced Glazing Projects Underway on All Fronts - Improved Accuracy of Analysis Tools - News: Task 16 Demosite Launched in Lausanne
Solar Update

Solar Update
IEA SHC Newsletter: Volume 19
April 1992 - PDF 0.53MB
Editor: Sheila B. Blum
In This Issue: - Industry Group to Advanced Window Linked to Task 18 - Task 10 Paves The Way for Materials Development - Task 9 Ends With A Long List of Accomplishments - IEA Research Provide Wealth of Information for Commercial Building Designers
Solar Update